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The EzeeDROPPERâ„¢ DP Cement Head is a simple rugged tool to enable most drill pipe wiper darts and balls (hard or soft) to be released into the drill-string from the rig floor and displaced down the pipe during various cementing or pumping operations. The tool allows endless numbers of devices to be dropped without having to open up the drill pipe or break drill string connections. There is no need to pre-load darts or balls prior to shipping the EzeeDROPPERâ„¢, nor in advance of the job. The ball or dart is simply manually placed in the head each time the operation dictates. The tool is easy to operate and only requires one person to pull a handle down +/- 45 degrees to place a loading tube containing the ball or dart into the EzeeDROPPERâ„¢, then lift the handle up again placing the device into the fluid flow stream when the pumps are activated. When the handle is pulled down the insert rotates, closing off flow from above and below, to enable a loading tube to be removed and another device contained in a loading tube to be inserted. If required the operator can check a device has left the head quickly visually.